Caregiver Resources and Services
Families are the foundation of care for older adults in the United States. The Family Caregiver Support Program is designed to support family members who are caring for adults 60 years of age or older. The support services offered to caregivers are:
- Information about Resources
- Education, Training and Support Groups
- Short-Term In-Home Support Services
- Assistance in Accessing Services.
Caregiver Respite
Respite is a temporary relief for caregivers including an array of services provided to dependent older individuals who need supervision. Services are provided in the older individual’s home environment on a short-term, temporary basis while the primary caregiver is unavailable or needs relief.
In addition to supervision, services may include meal preparation, housekeeping, assistance with personal care and/or social and recreational activities.
The Care Recipient:

The Thursday Club
Did you know Temple has a free respite service for Alzheimer’s Caregivers right here in Temple? The Thursday Club is an amazing ministry run by volunteers. You drop off your loved one at 9:30 am so that you, the caregiver, can do something for yourself without having to worry about your loved one’s care for that morning. We have full one-on-one interaction, exercise, games, dancing, breakfast, lunch, prayer, and devotion time. We are a free respite service and we have open spots!
Please call Theresa Mireles at the Area Agency on Aging at 254-770-2346 for more information. We hope to see you there!