Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas Launches New Website
Connecting Older Adults to Services Online
We are proud to announce that our new, updated website launched this week! While our old site was only a few years old and comprehensive in sharing our tools and resources, the format lacked some features to make it as user-friendly as it should have been. Our overall goals for the new website include making it easier to navigate, more accessible for our audience, and easier to read. We like to think we’ve also landed on a much more attractive site with more engaging and personable photos and design elements to give the site a cleaner look.
Easy to Navigate Menu
One of the biggest changes you might notice on our new site is the placement and organization of the menu. Although it was comprehensive in listing all available services, the menu in the sidebar format on our old site was long and confusing with multiple flyout menus that were too dificult to hover your mouse over. Take a look at the old home page:

Original, cluttered website navigation.
By better organizing our services and having our programs all available at a single glance, the updated “mega” menu is much cleaner and easier to understand. Our programs and services are now combined into similar and relatable topics, allowing you to find the information you need faster. We also decided to limit much of the jargon and acronyms often found on government websites in favor of more common phrases for our audience. For example, we use terms like “Short-Term Care” and “Long-Term Care” instead of “Care Coordination” and “Ombudsman” when referencing paths to our services.
The new scrolling header image allows us to showcase different programs and highlight timely events, like our current Medicare Annual Enrollment Period events.

Homepage with dropdown mega menu showing our programs and services listed.
Updated Events Calendar
The workshops page was another area that was not easy to find on our old site. Our mission is to help those who are 60 years and older lead a healthier, less stressful life, and we host many free classes and seminars to provide these services. On our old website, these workshops were somewhat hidden under the Health, Wellness & Prevention page. On our new site, they can easily be found from the menu bar under Workshops & Training and even on the homepage. The classes are also easy to search on the Events Calendar page. And you can even register for these workshops online, a feature that we didn’t have before. Here’s a look at the side-by-side comparison:
Fresh, Clean, and Accessible
Updated photography and easy to read fonts, colors, and spacing have been incorporated across the new website, making a more attractive site overall. Our new digital home is also responsive across all devices, so you can find what you need whether you are using a computer, tablet, or phone. We hope you appreciate our new website as much as we have enjoyed updating it, but if you have any questions, feel free to contact us with your concerns. Click here to fill out a contact form, or call us toll-free at 1-800-447-7169.