Great Reviews for Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class
We recently finished another self-management class, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, and we had some great responses on our class reviews. When asked to rate the class overall on a scale of 1 to 10, the reviews received a 9.625 average rating. Here are a few of the responses when asked what they liked about the class:
“One of the most delightful parts of the class has been the sharing of teachers as well as ‘students.’ I enjoyed them going ‘off script’ and think personal involvment has been most helpful.”
“Appreciated learning assertive resonses opposed to aggressive ones.”
“[The class] gave me access to resources I did not know about. I have more tools and better ways of communicating my needs.”
“[I liked] sharing and guidance on thinking processes.”
Thanks again to everyone who participated in our classes. Visit our Events page for our upcoming classes, or contact us at 254-770-2346 or wellnesseducation@ctcog.org for any questions and to register.